
Get up and running and start developing your Lightspeed ordering integration.

Integrating Lightspeed into your app or website can begin as soon as you create a Lightspeed account, requiring only three steps:

Step 1: Obtain your API Keys

Lightspeed authenticates your API requests using your account’s API keys. If you do not include your key when making an API request, or use one that is incorrect or outdated, Lightspeed returns an error.

Don't have API keys? Follow this guide here


Use only your test API keys for testing and development. This ensures that you don't accidentally modify your live orders

Step 2: Make a test API request

To check that your integration is working correctly, make a test API request using your API token to get a list of orders.


Replace $LIGHTSPEED_API_TOKEN with your own test API keys taken from Step 1

curl --location --request GET 'https://lsapi-supplier-orders.lightspeedappstg.com/orders' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer $LIGHTSPEED_API_TOKEN'

Lightspeed returns a list of Order objects in response to your API request, however since you haven't created an order you'll receive an empty paginated list:

  "page": 1,
  "pageSize": 100,
  "data": [],
  "count": 0,
  "totalCount": 0

Once you have successfully made an API request, you’re ready to begin integrating Lightspeed Suppliers.

Next Steps

Congrats! Read on to begin integrating Stripe: