List of Objects and Definitions returned when sending a GET request to the Orders API

Navigate to the /orders API Endpoint page to acquire the cURL.

createdById of the Retailer who created the order
createdDateDate when the order was created
expectedDateDate when the order is expected to arrive
idThe internal id for the order
modifiedDateThe last date the order was modified
orderDateDate of when the order is submitted to the supplier
orderDeliveriesA list of objects representing a deliver
orderStatusThe current status of the order
orderedItemsThe itemized list for the Order
otherCostA one time cost adjustment placed on the order
percentageDiscountAny discount applied to the order
publicNoteAn informational field to communicate something of importance or note
referenceA field used to track the supplier’s referenced id of the order
shippingCostTotal cost of shipping for the order
shippingNoteNotes for shipping
subtotalTotal sum of the order minus the taxes
supplierNoteInternal note known only to the supplier
supplierInfoIDAn internal id used to reference the retail - supplier connection
totalCostSubtotal plus taxes
totalQuantityTotal number of the items on the order

Additional Endpoints can be found in the API Endpoints Section linked at the top of the page.