Shipping an order


When you are ready to ship your products, you can use Order Shipments to send products to your customers. Lightspeed uses this shipment object, called a OrderDelivery, to track and handle all the states of order item until it’s shipped.


1. Set up API

Follow the steps listed here for access to the Ordering API from your application. Once completed, you should receive an access token which you can use below $LIGHTSPEED_API_TOKEN

2. Create a shipment

Lightspeed uses a OrderShipment object to ship at least one or multiple order items from an Order, tracking additional shipping costs, tracking numbers throughout the process.

Create a OrderShipment on your server with a order item id and decide the quantity of items you'd like to ship.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer $LIGHTSPEED_API_TOKEN' \
--data-raw '{  


Want to ship more than one item? Simply add to the itemShipped array.